Title: 2020/3/28 17:27:00
Do not use the “Order Online” option. Placed order this evening, was given a specific pick up time, and upon arrival was told no record of order. Oh well, live and learn. There are many more places to spend my money.
Title: 2020/10/18 15:43:48
I totally understand and support raising prices, especially right now. But! The fried rice that used to be 7.5 and is now 9 is now also not filled to the top, and not packed tightly in the box. So raising prices AND reducing product is kind of lame. The reduced product has happened on our last 2 orders (we order way too often), so I'm thinking it's not an accident. Just....lame.
Title: 2019/8/28 18:10:20
So impressed with the customer service--Royal Panda made right what Door Dash refused to. And the food was great. Well done!
Title: 2019/8/28 18:05:38
So impressed with the customer service--Royal Panda made right what Door Dash refused to. And the food was great. Well done!
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